
时间:2015-07-31 16:32:34   收藏:0   阅读:1187






[root@ ~]# netstat -nat |awk ‘{print   $6}‘|grep -v ‘Foreign‘|grep -v ‘established)‘|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn 

     3010 TIME_WAIT


       65 SYN_RECV

       45 FIN_WAIT2

       20 CLOSE_WAIT

       18 FIN_WAIT1

        9 LISTEN

        3 LAST_ACK



#cpu使用、R状态——运行、使用cpu的时间,明显个其他nginx worker不太一样

[root@ ~]# ps axu|grep nginx

root       15878  0.0  0.0    27352  1444 ?        Ss     Jul30   0:00 nginx: master   process /use/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -c   /use/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

nobody     15879  0.9  0.3    36432 11756 ?        S    Jul30     7:42   nginx: worker process                                                                           

nobody   15881 73.2    0.3  36060 11448 ?        R    Jul30   626:41 nginx:   worker process                                                                           

nobody   15883 72.9    0.3  36116 11428 ?        R    Jul30   624:24 nginx:   worker process                                                                          

nobody     15884  0.8  0.3    36372 11776 ?        S    Jul30     7:34 nginx: worker process



[root@ ~]# free  -m

             total       used       free     shared      buffers     cached

Mem:          3018       2605        412            0        508       1251

-/+ buffers/cache:        845       2172

Swap:         2047          0       2047          



[root@ ~]# tail -f   /use/local/nginx/logs/error.log



top - 14:19:35 up 308 days, 21:47,  1 user,    load average: 2.22, 2.59, 2.62

Tasks:    86 total,   3 running,  82 sleeping,   1 stopped,   0 zombie

Cpu0    :  2.1%us,  2.1%sy,    0.0%ni, 89.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,    6.7%si,  0.0%st

Cpu1  :100.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni,    0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,    0.0%si,  0.0%st

Cpu2  :100.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni,    0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,    0.0%si,  0.0%st

Cpu3    :  0.0%us,  0.4%sy,    0.0%ni, 99.3%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,    0.4%si,  0.0%st

Mem:     3090600k total,  2701600k   used,   389000k free,   521064k buffers

Swap:    2096472k total,        0k   used,  2096472k free,  1294384k cached


    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+    COMMAND                                                                                                              

15883 nobody    25     0 36116  11m 1520 R 99.8    0.4 635:52.34 nginx: worker process                                                                                                

15881 nobody    25     0 36060  11m 1520 R 99.5    0.4 638:09.22   nginx: worker process                                                                                                

13116 nobody    15     0 36616  11m 1512 S    3.7  0.4   0:07.63 nginx: worker process                                                                                 



This looks very similar to this problem,   fixed in 1.1.1/1.0.7:

*) Bugfix: nginx hogged CPU if all   servers in an upstream were marked as


> there was only one server in   upstream,which marked ‘backup‘. after some

> test,i found this is the reason.

Yes, thank you for report. This is   somewhat known issue, ‘backup‘

handling needs attention.

Maxim Dounin


这看起来对这个问题很相似,被修复在1.1.1 / 1.0.7











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