时间:2014-05-01 17:50:09
3.稍作扩展可代替STL vector 使用;
#ifndef _TWODIM_ARRAY_H_ #define _TWODIM_ARRAY_H_ #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> /* * encapsulate two dimension array * */ template<class T, size_t ROW, size_t COL > class TwoDimArray { public: TwoDimArray():m_storage(0), m_row(ROW), m_col(COL), m_curRow(0), m_totalCount(0) { } /* *Copy constructor * */ template<class V, size_t row, size_t col > TwoDimArray( const TwoDimArray<V, row, col>& rhs ):m_storage(0), m_row(ROW), m_col(COL), m_curRow(0), m_totalCount(0) { for( size_t i = 0; i < rhs.Size(); i++ ) { Store( rhs[i] ); } } /* * Destructor * */ ~TwoDimArray() { Clear(); } /* * Assignment operator overload * */ template<class V, size_t row, size_t col > TwoDimArray& operator = ( const TwoDimArray<V, row, col>& rhs ) { if( this != &rhs ) { Clear(); for( size_t i = 0; i < rhs.m_totalCount; i++ ) { Store( rhs[i] ); } } return *this; } /* * Operator [] overload * */ T& operator [] ( int idx ) { return m_storage[idx / m_col ][idx % m_col]; } /* *operator [] overload * */ const T& operator [] ( int idx ) const { return m_storage[idx / m_col ][idx % m_col]; } /* * Clear all object * */ void Clear() { for( int i = 1; i < m_row; i++ ) { delete [] m_storage[i]; } delete [] m_storage; m_col = 0; m_row = 0; m_curRow = 0; } /* * * */ size_t Size() const { return m_totalCount; } /* * * */ void Reset() { m_totalCount = 0; } /* * * */ T& At( size_t idx ) { return m_storage[idx / m_col ][idx % m_col]; } /* * * */ const T& At( size_t idx ) const { return m_storage[idx / m_col ][idx % m_col] } /* * * */ T& Cur( size_t idx ) { return (*this)[idx]; } /* * * */ T& Prev( size_t idx ) { assert( idx < m_totalCount && idx > 0 ); return (*this)[idx - 1]; } /* * * */ T& Next( size_t idx ) { assert( idx < m_totalCount - 1 ); return (*this)[idx + 1]; } /* * * */ const T& Cur( size_t idx) const { return (*this)[idx]; } /* * * */ const T& Prev( size_t idx ) const { assert( idx < m_totalCount && idx > 0 ); return (*this)[idx - 1]; } /* * * */ const T& Next( size_t idx ) const { assert( idx < m_totalCount - 1 ); return (*this)[idx + 1]; } /* * Store object to array * */ void Store( const T& data ) { *Store() = data; m_totalCount++; } private: /* * * */ T* Store() { if( !m_totalCount ) { m_storage = new T*[m_row]; memset( m_storage, 0x00, sizeof(T*)*m_row ); m_storage[m_curRow] = new T[m_col]; memset( m_storage[m_curRow], 0x00, sizeof(T) * m_col ); return &m_storage[m_curRow][0]; } size_t curRow = m_totalCount / m_col; if( curRow > m_curRow ) { m_curRow++; m_storage[m_curRow] = new T[m_col]; memset( m_storage[m_curRow], 0x00, sizeof(T) * m_col ); return &m_storage[m_curRow][0]; } else { return &m_storage[curRow][m_totalCount % m_col]; } } private: T** m_storage; size_t m_col; size_t m_row; size_t m_curRow; size_t m_totalCount; }; /* *Test interface * */ void TestTwoDimArray() { TwoDimArray<int, 6, 7> dimArr; int len = 6 * 6; for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { dimArr.Store( i ); } for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { std::cout << dimArr.At(i) << std::endl; assert( dimArr[i] == i ); } TwoDimArray<int, 10, 10> newdimArr(dimArr); assert( newdimArr.Size() == dimArr.Size() ); for( int i = 0; i < newdimArr.Size(); i++ ) { assert( newdimArr[i] == dimArr[i] ); } } #endif
compile and run in visual studio 2005