非官方SQLmap RESTful API文档,就是那个sqlmapapi.py

时间:2015-02-17 00:50:08   收藏:0   阅读:2386

最近想研究一下sqlmapapi.py这个东西, 先找到一篇这个。

from: http://volatile-minds.blogspot.jp/2013/04/unofficial-sqlmap-restful-api.html

This isn‘t comprehensive, just the most useful methods. I haven‘t found any docs on the API yet but wanted to play with it. :) 


The full list of methods available are:



These are the methods I have been using 


GET /task/new 
    "taskid": "1d47d7f046df1504"

GET /task/<task_id>/delete 
    "success": true

GET /option/<task_id>/list Response:
    "options": {
        "crawlDepth": null, 
        "osShell": false, 
        "getUsers": false, 
        "getPasswordHashes": false, 
        "excludeSysDbs": false, 
        "uChar": null, 
        "regData": null, 
        "cpuThrottle": 5, 
        "prefix": null, 
        "code": null, 
        "googlePage": 1, 
        "query": null, 
        "randomAgent": false, 
        "delay": 0, 
        "isDba": false, 
        "requestFile": null, 
        "predictOutput": false, 
        "wizard": false, 
        "stopFail": false, 
        "forms": false, 
        "taskid": "73674cc5eace4ac7", 
        "skip": null, 
        "dropSetCookie": false, 
        "smart": false, 
        "risk": 1, 
        "sqlFile": null, 
        "rParam": null, 
        "getCurrentUser": false, 
        "notString": null, 
        "getRoles": false, 
        "getPrivileges": false, 
        "testParameter": null, 
        "tbl": null, 
        "charset": null, 
        "trafficFile": null, 
        "osSmb": false, 
        "level": 1, 
        "secondOrder": null, 
        "pCred": null, 
        "timeout": 30, 
        "firstChar": null, 
        "updateAll": false, 
        "binaryFields": false, 
        "checkTor": false, 
        "aType": null, 
        "direct": null, 
        "saFreq": 0, 
        "tmpPath": null, 
        "titles": false, 
        "getSchema": false, 
        "identifyWaf": false, 
        "checkWaf": false, 
        "regKey": null, 
        "limitStart": null, 
        "loadCookies": null, 
        "dnsName": null, 
        "csvDel": ",", 
        "oDir": null, 
        "osBof": false, 
        "invalidLogical": false, 
        "getCurrentDb": false, 
        "hexConvert": false, 
        "answers": null, 
        "host": null, 
        "dependencies": false, 
        "cookie": null, 
        "proxy": null, 
        "regType": null, 
        "optimize": false, 
        "limitStop": null, 
        "mnemonics": null, 
        "uFrom": null, 
        "noCast": false, 
        "testFilter": null, 
        "eta": false, 
        "threads": 1, 
        "logFile": null, 
        "os": null, 
        "col": null, 
        "rFile": null, 
        "verbose": 1, 
        "aCert": null, 
        "torPort": null, 
        "privEsc": false, 
        "forceDns": false, 
        "getAll": false, 
        "api": true, 
        "url": null, 
        "invalidBignum": false, 
        "regexp": null, 
        "getDbs": false, 
        "freshQueries": false, 
        "uCols": null, 
        "smokeTest": false, 
        "pDel": null, 
        "wFile": null, 
        "udfInject": false, 
        "tor": false, 
        "forceSSL": false, 
        "beep": false, 
        "saveCmdline": false, 
        "configFile": null, 
        "scope": null, 
        "dumpAll": false, 
        "torType": "HTTP", 
        "regVal": null, 
        "dummy": false, 
        "commonTables": false, 
        "search": false, 
        "skipUrlEncode": false, 
        "referer": null, 
        "liveTest": false, 
        "purgeOutput": false, 
        "retries": 3, 
        "extensiveFp": false, 
        "dumpTable": false, 
        "database": "/tmp/sqlmapipc-EmjjlQ", 
        "batch": true, 
        "headers": null, 
        "flushSession": false, 
        "osCmd": null, 
        "suffix": null, 
        "dbmsCred": null, 
        "regDel": false, 
        "shLib": null, 
        "nullConnection": false, 
        "timeSec": 5, 
        "msfPath": null, 
        "noEscape": false, 
        "getHostname": false, 
        "sessionFile": null, 
        "disableColoring": true, 
        "getTables": false, 
        "agent": null, 
        "lastChar": null, 
        "string": null, 
        "dbms": null, 
        "tamper": null, 
        "hpp": false, 
        "runCase": null, 
        "osPwn": false, 
        "evalCode": null, 
        "cleanup": false, 
        "getBanner": false, 
        "profile": false, 
        "regRead": false, 
        "bulkFile": null, 
        "safUrl": null, 
        "db": null, 
        "dumpFormat": "CSV", 
        "alert": null, 
        "user": null, 
        "parseErrors": false, 
        "aCred": null, 
        "getCount": false, 
        "dFile": null, 
        "data": null, 
        "regAdd": false, 
        "ignoreProxy": false, 
        "getColumns": false, 
        "mobile": false, 
        "googleDork": null, 
        "sqlShell": false, 
        "pageRank": false, 
        "tech": "BEUSTQ", 
        "textOnly": false, 
        "commonColumns": false, 
        "keepAlive": false

POST /option/<task_id>/set -- Content-Type:application/json 
{ "msfPath" : "/path/to/metasploit/framework" }
    "success": true

POST /scan/<task_id>/start -- Content-Type:application/json 
Request (optional):
{ "url" : "" }
    "engineid": 16784, 
    "success": true

GET /scan/<task_id>/log 
    "log": [
            "message": "testing connection to the target URL", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:11:23"
            "message": "testing if the target URL is stable. This can take a couple of seconds", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:11:24"
            "message": "target URL is stable", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:11:26"
            "message": "no parameter(s) found for testing in the provided data (e.g. GET parameter ‘id‘ in ‘www.site.com/index.php?id=1‘)", 
            "level": "CRITICAL", 
            "time": "14:11:26"
            "message": "testing connection to the target URL", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:30"
            "message": "testing if the target URL is stable. This can take a couple of seconds", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:31"
            "message": "target URL is not stable. sqlmap will base the page comparison on a sequence matcher. If no dynamic nor injectable parameters are detected, or in case of junk results, refer to user‘s manual paragraph ‘Page comparison‘ and provide a string or regular expression to match on", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:33"
            "message": "testing if GET parameter ‘PAGE‘ is dynamic", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:33"
            "message": "confirming that GET parameter ‘PAGE‘ is dynamic", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:33"
            "message": "GET parameter ‘PAGE‘ does not appear dynamic", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:33"
            "message": "reflective value(s) found and filtering out", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:33"
            "message": "heuristic (basic) test shows that GET parameter ‘PAGE‘ might not be injectable", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:33"
            "message": "testing for SQL injection on GET parameter ‘PAGE‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:34"
            "message": "testing ‘AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:34"
            "message": "testing ‘MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:34"
            "message": "testing ‘PostgreSQL AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:34"
            "message": "testing ‘Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:34"
            "message": "testing ‘Oracle AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause (XMLType)‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:35"
            "message": "testing ‘MySQL inline queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:35"
            "message": "testing ‘PostgreSQL inline queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:35"
            "message": "testing ‘Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase inline queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:35"
            "message": "testing ‘Oracle inline queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:35"
            "message": "testing ‘SQLite inline queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:35"
            "message": "testing ‘MySQL > 5.0.11 stacked queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:36"
            "message": "testing ‘PostgreSQL > 8.1 stacked queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:36"
            "message": "testing ‘Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase stacked queries‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:36"
            "message": "testing ‘MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:36"
            "message": "testing ‘PostgreSQL > 8.1 AND time-based blind‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:37"
            "message": "testing ‘Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase time-based blind‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:37"
            "message": "testing ‘Oracle AND time-based blind‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:37"
            "message": "testing ‘MySQL UNION query (NULL) - 1 to 10 columns‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:37"
            "message": "testing ‘Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 to 10 columns‘", 
            "level": "INFO", 
            "time": "14:17:38"
            "message": "using unescaped version of the test because of zero knowledge of the back-end DBMS. You can try to explicitly set it using option ‘--dbms‘", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:38"
            "message": "GET parameter ‘PAGE‘ is not injectable", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:39"
            "message": "all tested parameters appear to be not injectable. Try to increase ‘--level‘/‘--risk‘ values to perform more tests. Also, you can try to rerun by providing either a valid value for option ‘--string‘ (or ‘--regexp‘)", 
            "level": "CRITICAL", 
            "time": "14:17:40"
            "message": "HTTP error codes detected during run:\n404 (Not Found) - 183 times", 
            "level": "WARNING", 
            "time": "14:17:40"

GET /scan/<task_id>/status 
    "status": "terminated", 
    "returncode": 0
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