now begin
A+B Problem
- 描述
- 此题为练手用题,请大家计算一下a+b的值
- 输入
- 输入两个数,a,b
- 输出
- 输出a+b的值
- 样例输入
2 3
- 样例输出
- 提示
- 例如:
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("%d\n",a+b); }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; cout<<a+b<<endl; }
import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Scanner cin=new Scanner(System.in); int a=cin.nextInt(),b=cin.nextInt(); System.out.println(a+b); } }
Java jdk 1.4 版
import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception { BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line = stdin.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); int a = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int b = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); System.out.println(a+b); } }
请注意不要输出过多提示性语句(如:“please input two numbers”),不然会WrongAnswer的
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("%d\n",a+b); } #include<iostream> main(){std::cout<<(1<<31)-1;}
- 描述
- 输入三个字符(可以重复)后,按各字符的ASCII码从小到大的顺序输出这三个字符。
#include<stdio.h> #define MAX 3 char a[MAX]; int main() { int n; scanf("%d\n", &n); while (n--) { char x, y, z; scanf("%s", a); x = a[0]; if (a[1] < x) x = a[1]; if (a[2] < x) x = a[2]; z = a[2]; if (a[1] > z) z = a[1]; if (a[0] > z) z = a[0]; y = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] - x - z; printf("%c %c %c\n", x, y, z); } return 0; } #include "stdio.h"//最优程序 main() { char a,b,c,d; int i; scanf("%d",&i); getchar(); while(i--) { scanf("%c%c%c",&a,&b,&c); getchar(); if (a>b) {d=a;a=b;b=d;} if (a>c) {d=a;a=c;c=d;} if (b>c) {d=b;b=c;c=d;} printf("%c %c %c\n",a,b,c); } }11、
- 描述
- 有一个整型偶数n(2<= n <=10000),你要做的是:先把1到n中的所有奇数从小到大输出,再把所有的偶数从小到大输出。
# include"stdio.h" int main() { int i, b, c, d, j, k; scanf("%d", &i); for (d = 0; d < i; d++) { scanf("%d", &b); for (k = 1; k <= b; k++) { if ((k % 2) == 1) printf("%d ", k); } printf("\n"); for (j = 1; j <= b; j++) { if ((j % 2) == 0) printf("%d ", j); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } #include<stdio.h>//最优程序 int main() { int n; scanf("%d", &n); int a; while (n--) { scanf("%d", &a); for (int i = 1; i <= a; i += 2) printf("%d ", i); puts(""); for (int i = 2; i <= a; i += 2) printf("%d ", i); puts(""); } }13、
- 描述
- 无穷数列1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55...称为Fibonacci数列,它可以递归地定义为
F(n)=1 ...........(n=1或n=2)
#include <stdio.h> int F(int n) { if (n == 1 || n == 2) { return 1; } else { return F(n - 1) + F(n - 2); } } int main() { int i, n; scanf("%d", &i); while (i--) { scanf("%d", &n); printf("%d\n", F(n)); } return 0; } #include<stdio.h>//最优程序 main() { int m,n,i,s1,s2; scanf("%d",&m); while(m--) { scanf("%d",&n); for(i=3,s1=s2=1;i<=n;i++) { s1=s1+s2;s2=s1-s2; } printf("%d\n",s1); } }22、
- 描述
- 现在给你N个数(0<N<1000),现在要求你写出一个程序,找出这N个数中的所有素数,并求和。
- 输入
- 第一行给出整数M(0<M<10)代表多少组测试数据
接下来的N个数为要测试的数据,每个数小于1000 - 输出
- 每组测试数据结果占一行,输出给出的测试数据的所有素数和
- 样例输入
3 5 1 2 3 4 5 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
- 样例输出
10 41 52
- 来源
- [hzyqazasdf]原创
- 上传者
- hzyqazasdf
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int i, j, k, a, n, m, sum = 0; scanf("%d", &a); for (i = 0; i < a; i++) { scanf("%d", &n); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { scanf("%d", &m); for (k = 2; k <= sqrt(m); k++) { if (m % k == 0) break; } if (k > sqrt(m) && m != 1) sum = sum + m; } printf("%d\n", sum); sum = 0; } return 0; } #include<stdio.h>//最优程序 #include <math.h> int main() { int m,n,i,j,a[1000],flag=0; long s; scanf("%d",&m); while(m--) { s=0; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(a[i]==1) continue; flag=0; for(j=2;j<=sqrt(a[i]);j++) { if(a[i]%j==0) {flag=1;break;} } if(flag==0) s+=a[i]; } printf("%d\n",s); } return 0; }24、
- 描述
- 现在给出你一些数,要求你写出一个程序,输出这些整数相邻最近的素数,并输出其相距长度。如果左右有等距离长度素数,则输出左侧的值及相应距离。
如果输入的整数本身就是素数,则输出该素数本身,距离输出0- 输入
- 第一行给出测试数据组数N(0<N<=10000)
接下来的N行每行有一个整数M(0<M<1000000), - 输出
- 每行输出两个整数 A B.
其中A表示离相应测试数据最近的素数,B表示其间的距离。 - 样例输入
3 6 8 10
- 样例输出
5 1 7 1 11 1
- 来源
- 经典题目
- 上传者
- hzyqazasdf
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> bool judge(int m); int main() { int N,n,i; scanf("%d",&N); while(N--) { scanf("%d",&n); if(judge(n)) { printf("%d 0\n",n); continue; } for(i=1; n-i!=-1; i++) { if(judge(n-i)) { printf("%d %d\n",n-i,i); break; } if(judge(n+i)) { printf("%d %d\n",n+i,i); break; } } } return 0; } bool judge(int m) { if(m==0||m==1) return false; int i; for(i=2; i<=sqrt(m); i++) { if(m%i==0)break; } if(i>sqrt(m)) return true; return false; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<cmath> using namespace std; bool isprime(int n) { for(int k=2;k<=sqrt((double)n);k++) if((n%k)==0) return false; return true; } int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { int num,i,j; cin>>num; if(num==1) { cout<<"2 1"<<endl; continue; } for(i=num;!isprime(i);i--); for(j=num;!isprime(j);j++); if((num-i)<(j-num)) cout<<i<<' '<<(num-i)<<endl; else if((num-i)>(j-num)) cout<<j<<' '<<(j-num)<<endl; else if((num-i)==(j-num)) cout<<i<<' '<<(num-i)<<endl; } }25、
A Famous Music Composer
- 描述
Mr. B is a famous music composer. One of his most famous work was his set of preludes. These 24 pieces span the 24 musical keys (there are musically distinct 12 scale notes, and each may use major or minor tonality). The 12 distinct scale notes are:
A A#=Bb B C C#=Db D D#=Eb E F F#=Gb G G#=Ab
Five of the notes have two alternate names, as is indicated above with equals sign. Thus, there are 17 possible names of scale notes, but only 12 musically distinct notes. When using one of these as the keynote for a musical key, we can further distinguish between major and minor tonalities. This gives 34 possible keys, of which 24 are musically distinct.In naming his preludes, Mr. B used all the keys except the following 10, which were named instead by their alternate names:Ab minor A# major A# minor C# major Db minor D# major D# minor Gb major Gb minor G# major Write a program that, given the name of a key, give an alternate name if it has one, or report the key name is unique.- 输入
- Each test case is described by one line having the format "note tonality", where "note" is one of the 17 names for the scale notes given above, and "tonality" is either "major" or "minor" (quotes for clarify).
- 输出
- For each case output the required answer, following the format of the sample.
- 样例输入
Ab minor D# major G minor
- 样例输出
Case 1: G# minor Case 2: Eb major Case 3: UNIQUE
- 来源
- hdu
- 上传者
- 李如兵
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; char str[100]; int cas = 1; int main() { while(gets(str)) { printf("Case %d: ",cas++); int i,j,len; len = strlen(str); if(str[1] == ' ') printf("UNIQUE\n"); else { if(str[1] == '#') { if(str[0] == 'G') printf("Ab"); else printf("%cb",str[0]+1); } else if(str[1] == 'b') { if(str[0] == 'A') printf("G#"); else printf("%c#",str[0]-1); } for(i = 2;i<len;i++) printf("%c",str[i]); printf("\n"); } } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<string> using namespace std; string trans(string a){ string b=""; if(a[1]=='#'){ b+=char((a[0]-'A'+1)%7+'A'); b+='b'; }else{ b+=char((a[0]-'A'+6)%7+'A'); b+='#'; } return b; } int main(){ string a,b; for(int t=1; cin>>a>>b; t++){ cout<<"Case "<<t<<": "; if(a.length()==1) cout<<"UNIQUE"<<endl; else cout<<trans(a)<<" "<<b<<endl; } return 0; }31、
- 描述
- 设计一个从5个整数中取最小数和最大数的程序
- 输入
- 输入只有一组测试数据,为五个不大于1万的正整数
- 输出
- 输出两个数,第一个为这五个数中的最小值,第二个为这五个数中的最大值,两个数字以空格格开。
- 样例输入
1 2 3 4 5
- 样例输出
1 5
- 来源
- C语言课本第四章第一题
- 上传者
- 张云聪
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a[5], temp, i, j; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) scanf("%d", &a[i]); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (a[i] > a[i + 1]) { temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[i + 1]; a[i + 1] = temp; } printf("%d %d", a[0], a[4]); return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<iterator> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { int a[5]; copy(istream_iterator<int>(cin),istream_iterator<int>(),a); cout<<*min_element(a,a+5)<<" "<<*max_element(a,a+5)<<endl; }33、
- 描述
- 在n*n方陈里填入1,2,...,n*n,要求填成蛇形。例如n=4时方陈为:
10 11 12 1
9 16 13 2
8 15 14 3
7 6 5 4
#include"stdio.h" #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int a[109][109]= {0},i,j,k,n,m,top,x,y; top=1; scanf("%d",&n); a[x=0][y=n-1]=1; while(top<n*n) { while(x+1<n&&!a[x+1][y]) a[++x][y]=++top; while(y-1>=0&&!a[x][y-1]) a[x][--y]=++top; while(x-1>=0&&!a[x-1][y]) a[--x][y]=++top; while(y+1<n&&!a[x][y+1]) a[x][++y]=++top; } for(i=0; i<n; i++) { for(j=0; j<n; j++) printf("%d ",a[i][j]); printf("\n"); } //system("33.exe\n"); } #include<stdio.h>//最优程序 int main() { int a,b,c,d,n,sum=1; int yi[101][101]; scanf("%d",&n); for(a=0;a<=(n-1)/2;a++) { for(b=a;b<=n-a-1;b++) yi[b][n-a-1]=sum++; for(b=n-2-a;b>=a;b--) yi[n-a-1][b]=sum++; for(b=n-a-2;b>=a;b--) yi[b][a]=sum++; for(b=a+1;b<n-a-1;b++) yi[a][b]=sum++; } for(c=0;c<n;c++) { for(d=0;d<n;d++) printf("%d ",yi[c][d]); printf("\n"); } }34、
- 描述
- 相传韩信才智过人,从不直接清点自己军队的人数,只要让士兵先后以三人一排、五人一排、七人一排地变换队形,而他每次只掠一眼队伍的排尾就知道总人数了。输入3个非负整数a,b,c ,表示每种队形排尾的人数(a<3,b<5,c<7),输出总人数的最小值(或报告无解)。已知总人数不小于10,不超过100 。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; int n=(a*70+b*21+c*15)%105; if(n>100||n<10) cout<<"No answer"<<endl; else cout<<n<<endl; }39、
- 描述
- 请判断一个数是不是水仙花数。
#include "stdio.h" int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int n=0; //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); while(scanf("%d",&n)==1) { if(n!=0) { if (n==153||n==370||n==371||n==407) printf("Yes\n"); else printf("No\n"); } } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 using namespace std; int main() { int a; while(1) { cin>>a; if(a==0) break; cout<<((a==153||a==370||a==371||a==407)?"Yes":"No")<<endl; } }40、
- 描述
- 小明被一个问题给难住了,现在需要你帮帮忙。问题是:给出两个正整数,求出它们的最大公约数和最小公倍数。
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a, b, c, n, k; scanf("%d", &n); //输入一个整数n(0<n<=10000),表示有n组测试数据 while (n--) { scanf("%d %d", &a, &b); //输入两个整数 k = a * b; while (b != 0) { c = a % b; a = b; b = c; } printf("%d %d\n", a, k / a); } return 0; } import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static int gcd(int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b); } public static Scanner count = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main(String[] arges) { int n = count.nextInt(); while ((n--) > 0) { int a = count.nextInt(), b = count.nextInt(); System.out.println(gcd(a, b) + " " + a * b / gcd(a, b)); } count.close(); } } #include<stdio.h> int main() { unsigned int u,v,r,s,i,d; scanf("%u",&s); for(i=1;i<=s;i++) { scanf("%u%u",&u,&v); d=u*v; while(v!=0) { r=u%v; u=v; v=r; } printf("%u %u\n",u,d/u); } return 0; }41、
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int a,b,c,n; Scanner num=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print(""); a=num.nextInt(); System.out.print(""); b=num.nextInt(); System.out.print(""); c=num.nextInt(); if(a>b) { n=a;a=b;b=n; } if(b>c) { n=b;b=c;c=n; } if(a>c) { n=a;a=c;c=n; } System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c); } } #include <stdio.h>//最优程序 int main() { int a,b,c,an[3],i,t,j,max,flag; scanf ("%d %d %d",&an[0],&an[1],&an[2]); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { t=max=an[i]; flag=i; for (j=i;j<3;j++) if (an[j]>t) { max=an[j]; flag=j; }; t=an[i]; an[i]=max; an[flag]=t; } for (i=2;i>=0;i--) printf ("%d ",an[i]); return 0; }56、
- 描述
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int N, n, m, count; scanf("%d", &N); while (N--) { count = 0; scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); while (n) { n = n / m; count = count + n; } printf("%d\n", count); } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 using namespace std; int get(int n,int num) { if(n==0) return 0; else return get(n/num,num)+n/num; } int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; cout<<get(a,b)<<endl; } }57、
- 描述
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,m,a[4],i,j,count,max,min,t; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--) { count=1; scanf("%d",&m); while(m!=6174) { for(i=0; i<4; i++) { a[i]=m%10; m=m/10; } for(i=0; i<4; i++) for(j=i+1; j<4; j++) if(a[i]<a[j]) { t=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=t; } max=a[0]*1000+a[1]*100+a[2]*10+a[3]; min=a[3]*1000+a[2]*100+a[1]*10+a[0]; m=max-min; count++; } printf("%d\n",count); } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<algorithm> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int main() { //freopen("1.txt","r",stdin); int k; cin>>k; while(k--) { int n,a[4],n1,n2; scanf("%d",&n); int s=1; while(n!=6174) { a[0]=n%10; a[3]=n/1000; a[1]=n/10%10; a[2]=n/100%10; sort(a,a+4); n1=1000*a[3]+100*a[2]+10*a[1]+a[0]; n2=1000*a[0]+100*a[1]+10*a[2]+a[3]; n=n1-n2; s++; } printf("%d\n",s); } }60、
- 描述
- 某校的惯例是在每学期的期末考试之后发放奖学金。发放的奖学金共有五种,获取的条件各自不同:
1) 院士奖学金,每人8000元,期末平均成绩高于80分(>80),并且在本学期内发表1篇或1篇以上论文的学生均可获得;
2) 五四奖学金,每人4000元,期末平均成绩高于85分(>85),并且班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生均可获得;
3) 成绩优秀奖,每人2000元,期末平均成绩高于90分(>90)的学生均可获得;
4) 西部奖学金,每人1000元,期末平均成绩高于85分(>85)的西部省份学生均可获得;
5) 班级贡献奖,每人850元,班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生干部均可获得;
现在给出若干学生的相关数据,请计算哪些同学获得的奖金总数最高(假设总有同学能满足获得奖学金的条件)。- 输入
- 第一行输入数据N,表示测试数据组数(0<N<100),每组测试数据输入的第一行是一个整数X(1 <= X <= 100),表示学生的总数。接下来的X行每行是一位学生的数据,从左向右依次是姓名,期末平均成绩,班级评议成绩,是否是学生干部,是否是西部省份学生,以及发表的论文数。姓名是由大小写英文字母组成的长度不超过20的字符串(不含空格);期末平均成绩和班级评议成绩都是0到100之间的整数(包括0和100);是否是学生干部和是否是西部省份学生分别用一个字符表示,Y表示是,N表示不是;发表的论文数是0到10的整数(包括0和10)。每两个相邻数据项之间用一个空格分隔。
- 输出
- 每组测试数据输出包括三行,第一行是获得最多奖金的学生的姓名,第二行是这名学生获得的奖金总数。如果有两位或两位以上的学生获得的奖金最多,输出他们之中在输入文件中出现最早的学生的姓名。第三行是这X个学生获得的奖学金的总数。
- 样例输入
1 4 YaoLin 87 82 Y N 0 ChenRuiyi 88 78 N Y 1 LiXin 92 88 N N 0 ZhangQin 83 87 Y N 1
- 样例输出
ChenRuiyi 9000 28700
- 来源
- NOIP2005
- 上传者
- hzyqazasdf
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { string str,_str; char ca,cb; int n,m,x,y,z,s,sum,max; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>m; max = sum = 0; while(m--) { s = 0; cin>>str>>x>>y>>ca>>cb>>z; if(x>80&&z>0) { s += 8000; sum += 8000; } if(x>85&&y>80) { s += 4000; sum += 4000; } if(x>90) { s += 2000; sum += 2000; } if(x>85&&cb == 'Y') { s += 1000; sum += 1000; } if(y>80&&ca == 'Y') { s += 850; sum += 850; } if(max < s) { max = s; _str = str; } } cout<<_str<<endl<<max<<endl<<sum<<endl; } } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<string> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> using namespace std; int calc(int qm,int py,bool gb,bool xb,bool lw) { int all=0; if(qm>80 && lw) all+=8000; if(qm>85&& py>80) all+=4000; if(qm>90) all+=2000; if(xb&&qm>85) all+=1000; if(gb&&py>80) all+=850; return all; } int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { int m; cin>>m; int max_num=0,all=0; string max_stu; while(m--) { int qm,py,lw; string xm,gbs,xbs; cin>>xm>>qm>>py>>gbs>>xbs>>lw; bool gb=gbs=="Y",xb=xbs=="Y"; int num=calc(qm,py,gb,xb,lw>0); all+=num; if(num>max_num) {max_num=num;max_stu=xm;} } cout<<max_stu<<endl<<max_num<<endl<<all<<endl; } }62、
- 描述
这种方法的具体描述如下:假设maxn是单词中出现次数最多的字母的出现次数,minn是单词中出现次数最少的字母的出现次数,如果maxn-minn是一个质数,那么笨小熊就认为这是个Lucky Word,这样的单词很可能就是正确的答案。- 输入
- 第一行数据N(0<N<100)表示测试数据组数。
每组测试数据输入只有一行,是一个单词,其中只可能出现小写字母,并且长度小于100。 - 输出
- 每组测试数据输出共两行,第一行是一个字符串,假设输入的的单词是Lucky Word,那么输出“Lucky Word”,否则输出“No Answer”;
第二行是一个整数,如果输入单词是Lucky Word,输出maxn-minn的值,否则输出0 - 样例输入
2 error olympic
- 样例输出
Lucky Word 2 No Answer 0
- 来源
- NOIP2008
- 上传者
- hzyqazasdf
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int prime_number(int n) { if(n==1||n==0)return 0; if(n==2)return 1; else for(int i=2;i*i<=n;i++) { if(n%i==0)return 0; } return 1; } int maxn_minn(string a) { int b[101]={0}; for(int i=0; i<a.size(); i++) for(int j=0; j<a.size(); j++) { if(a[i]==a[j]) b[i]++; } int maxn=b[0]; int minn=b[0]; for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++) { if(b[i]>maxn)maxn=b[i]; if(b[i]<minn)minn=b[i]; } return maxn-minn; } int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { string a; cin>>a; prime_number(maxn_minn(a))==1?cout<<"Lucky Word\n"<<maxn_minn(a)<<endl:cout<<"No Answer\n"<<"0"<<endl; } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<string> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> using namespace std; bool isPrime(int n) { if(n==0) return false; if(n==1) return false; if(n==2) return true; for(int i=2;i*i<=n;i++) { if(n%i==0) return false; } return true; } int min_e(int *p,int *q) { int m=1000; for(int* i=p;i!=q;i++) { if(*i<m && *i!=0) m=*i; } return m; } int main() { int n; string str; cin>>n; while(n--) { int count[26]={0}; cin>>str; for(int i=0;i!=str.size();++i) { ++count[str[i]-'a']; } int nn=*max_element(count,count+26)-min_e(count,count+26); if(isPrime(nn)) cout<<"Lucky Word"<<endl<<nn<<endl; else cout<<"No Answer"<<endl<<0<<endl; } }64、
- 描述
- 已知鸡和兔的总数量为n,总腿数为m。输入n和m,依次输出鸡和兔的数目,如果无解,则输出“No answer”(不要引号)。
#include "stdio.h" int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int i,m,n,N; scanf("%d",&N); while(N--) { int x,y,a=0; scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { if(i*2+(n-i)*4==m) { a=1; printf("%d %d\n",i,n-i);break; } } if(a==0)printf("No answer\n"); } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 using namespace std; int main() { int n,a,b,p,q; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>a>>b; q=(b-2*a)/2; p=a-q; if(p<0 ||q<0 || b%2) cout<<"No answer"<<endl; else cout<<p<<" "<<q<<endl; } }65、
- 描述
#include <stdio.h> int f(int n) { int i, s = 1; for (i = 1; i <= n; i += 2) s *= i; return s; } int main() { int a, n, i, s; scanf("%d", &a); while (a--) { s = 0; scanf("%d", &n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) s += f(i); printf("%d\n", s); } return 0; } /* #include<iostream> using namespace std; int f(int n) { if(n%2) return n==1?1:n*f(n-2); return f(n-1); } int g(int n) { return n?g(n-1)+f(n):0; } int main() { int n,m; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>m; cout<<g(m)<<endl; } }*/ #include<iostream>//最优程序 using namespace std; int main() { int n,m,r[]={0,1,2,5,8,23,38,143,248,1193,2138,12533,22928,158063,293198,2320223,4347248,38806673,73266098,727995173,1382724248}; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>m; cout<<r[m]<<endl; } }72、
Financial Management
- 描述
- Larry graduated this year and finally has a job. He‘s making a lot of money, but somehow never seems to have enough. Larry has decided that he needs to grab hold of his financial portfolio and solve his financing problems. The first step is to figure out
what‘s been going on with his money. Larry has his bank account statements and wants to see how much money he has. Help Larry by writing a program to take his closing balance from each of the past twelve months and calculate his average account balance.
- 输入
- The input will be twelve lines. Each line will contain the closing balance of his bank account for a particular month. Each number will be positive and displayed to the penny. No dollar sign will be included.
- 输出
- The output will be a single number, the average (mean) of the closing balances for the twelve months. It will be rounded to the nearest penny, preceded immediately by a dollar sign, and followed by the end-of-line. There will be no other spaces or characters
in the output.
- 样例输入
100.00 489.12 12454.12 1234.10 823.05 109.20 5.27 1542.25 839.18 83.99 1295.01 1.75
- 样例输出
- 来源
- [张洁烽]原创
- 上传者
- 张洁烽
#include "stdio.h" int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { double sum=0,a; int n=12; // freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); while(n--) { scanf("%lf",&a); sum+=a; } printf("%.2lf\n",sum/12); return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double sum=0,a; for(int i=0;i<12;i++) { cin>>a; sum+=a; } cout<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<sum/12.0<<endl; }74、
- 描述
- 很多小学生在学习加法时,发现“进位”特别容易出错。你的任务是计算两个三位数在相加时需要多少次进位。你编制的程序应当可以连续处理多组数据,直到读到两个0(这是输入结束标记)。
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int m,n,i,j; int a[3],b[3]; while(scanf("%d%d",&m,&n),m!=0||n!=0) { a[0]=m/100; a[1]=(m-100*a[0])/10; a[2]=m%10; b[0]=n/100; b[1]=(n-100*b[0])/10; b[2]=n%10; j=0; for(i=2; i>=0; i--) { if(a[i]+b[i]>=10) { j++; a[i-1]+=1;//要考虑进位问题 } } printf("%d\n",j); } return 0; } #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,c,d,e,f,n,m,i; for(;;) { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); if(n==0&&m==0) return 0; else { i=0; a=n/100;b=n%100/10;c=n%10; d=m/100;e=m%100/10;f=m%10; if(c+f>=10) {i+=1;b+=1;} if(b+e>=10) {i+=1;a+=1;} if(a+d>=10) {i+=1;} printf("%d\n",i); } } return 0; }75、
- 描述
- 如题,输入一个日期,格式如:2010 10 24 ,判断这一天是这一年中的第几天。
- 输入
- 第一行输入一个数N(0<N<=100),表示有N组测试数据。后面的N行输入多组输入数据,每行的输入数据都是一个按题目要求格式输入的日期。
- 输出
- 每组输入数据的输出占一行,输出判断出的天数n
- 样例输入
3 2000 4 5 2001 5 4 2010 10 24
- 样例输出
96 124 297
- 来源
- [naonao]改编C语言习题
- 上传者
- naonao
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int leap(int a) { if(a%4==0&&a%100!=0||a%400==0) return 1; else return 0; } int number(int year,int m,int d) { int sum=0,i,j,k,a[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int b[12]={31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(leap(year)==1) for(i=0;i<m-1;i++) sum+=b[i]; else for(i=0;i<m-1;i++) sum+=a[i]; sum+=d; return sum; } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { int year,month,day,n; cin>>year>>month>>day; n=number(year,month,day); cout<<n<<endl; } return 0; } #include<stdio.h>//最优程序 int main() { int a,b=0,c,y,m,d,fib; scanf("%d",&a); while(a--) { scanf("%d %d %d",&y,&m,&d); if(y%400==0||y%100!=0&&y%4==0) fib=29; else fib=28; for(c=1;c<=m;c++) switch(c-1) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10:b+=31;break; case 2:b+=fib;break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:b+=30;break; } b+=d; printf("%d\n",b); b=0; } return 0; }77、
- 描述
有n盏灯,编号为1~n,第1个人把所有灯打开,第2个人按下所有编号为2 的倍数的开关(这些灯将被关掉),第3 个人按下所有编号为3的倍数的开关(其中关掉的灯将被打开,开着的灯将被关闭),依此类推。一共有k个人,问最后有哪些灯开着?输入:n和k,输出开着的灯编号。k≤n≤1000
#include<stdio.h> int main( ) { int n, k, j, open,i; scanf("%d%d", &n, &k ); for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ) { open = 1; for( j = 2 ; j <= k ; j++ ) { if( i % j == 0 ) open = (open+1) % 2; } if( open ) printf("%d ", i ); } return 0; } #include <iostream>//最优程序 using namespace std; int main() { int n,k,a[1000],i; cin>>n>>k; for(i=0;i<n;i++) a[i]=1; for(i=2;i<=k;i++) for(int j=0;j<n;j++) { if((j+1)%i==0) if(a[j]==0)a[j]=1; else a[j]=0; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(a[i]==1)cout<<i+1<<" "; cout<<endl; return 0; }94、
- 描述
Tom has many cigarettes. We hypothesized that he has n cigarettes and smokes them
one by one keeping all the butts. Out of k > 1 butts he can roll a new cigarette.
Now,do you know how many cigarettes can Tom has?- 输入
- First input is a single line,it‘s n and stands for there are n testdata.then there are n lines ,each line contains two integer numbers giving the values of n and k.
- 输出
- For each line of input, output one integer number on a separate line giving the maximum number of cigarettes that Peter can have.
- 样例输入
3 4 3 10 3 100 5
- 样例输出
5 14 124
- 来源
- [rooot]原创
- 上传者
- rooot
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n;cin>>n; while(n--) { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; int sum=0; sum+=a; while(a>=b) { a-=b;//只要a-b还大于b , 就相当于a会多一个 a++; sum++; } cout<<sum<<endl; } return 0; } #include "stdio.h" #include<fstream> int main() { //freopen("d:\\1.txt","r",stdin); //freopen("d:\\2.txt","w",stdout); int m; scanf("%d",&m); while(m--) { int n,k,sum; scanf("%d%d",&n,&k); sum=n; while(n/k) { sum+=n/k; n=n/k+n%k; } printf("%d\n",sum); } return 0; }96、
- 描述
#include<stdio.h><pre name="code" class="cpp">//较简单的做法 int main() { int num; int M; scanf("%d",&num); while(num--) { scanf("%d",&M); int i=10; while(M/i>=10) { i=i*10; } printf( "%d\n" ,M%i); } } #include<cstdio>//最优程序 int main() { int n,m; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--) { scanf("\n%*c%d",&m); printf("%d\n",m); } }97、
- 描述
- 兄弟俩骑车郊游,弟弟先出发,每分钟X米,M分钟后,哥哥带一条狗出发。以每分钟Y米的速度去追弟弟,而狗则以每分钟Z米的速度向弟弟跑去,追上弟弟后又立即返回,直到哥哥追上弟弟时,狗跑了多少米?
#include "stdio.h" int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--) { double m,x,y,z,s; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&m,&x,&y,&z); s=x*m/(y-x)*z; printf("%.2lf\n",s); } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { int s,a,b,c; cin>>s>>a>>b>>c; printf("%.2lf\n",s*a/(double)(b-a)*c); } }98、
- 描述
- 输入一个百分制的成绩M,将其转换成对应的等级,具体转换规则如下:
#include "stdio.h" int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int n,a; scanf("%d",&n); while(n--) { scanf("%d",&a); if(90<=a&&a<=100) printf("A\n"); if(80<=a&&a<=89) printf("B\n"); if(70<=a&&a<=79) printf("C\n"); if(60<=a&&a<=69) printf("D\n"); if(0<=a&&a<=59) printf("E\n"); } return 0; } #include<iostream>//最优程序 using namespace std; int main() { int n,s; cin>>n; while(n--) { cin>>s; switch(s/10) { case 10: case 9:cout<<"A"<<endl;break; case 8:cout<<"B"<<endl;break; case 7:cout<<"C"<<endl;break; case 6:cout<<"D"<<endl;break; default:cout<<"E"<<endl;break; } } }100、
- 描述
- 小南刚学了二进制,他想知道一个数的二进制表示中有多少个1,你能帮他写一个程序来完成这个任务吗?
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int n; cin>>n; while(n--) { int a,i,count=0; cin>>a; while(a) { if(a%2==1) count++; a/=2; } cout<<count<<endl; } return 0; } #include<stdio.h>//最优程序 main(){int n,m,s;scanf("%d",&n);while(n--){scanf("%d",&m);s=0;while(m)m&=m-1,s++;printf("%d\n",s);}}
MARK 明天继续写,妈蛋,从来没这么讨厌写博客,累死了。。。。。。