Conceptual blockbusting--chap5 Intellectual and Expressive blocks

时间:2014-05-01 08:26:33   收藏:0   阅读:317

Intellectual blocks result in an inefficient choice of mental tactics or a shortage of intellectual ammunition.

Expressive blocks inhibit your vital ability to communicate ideas-not only to others, but to yourself as well.

1) Solving the problem using an incorrect language

Choice of the problem-solving language is difficult not only because the choice is usually made unconsciously, but also because of the heavy emphasis on verbal thinking (with matematical thinking a poor second).

2) Inflexible or inadequate use of intellectual probem-solving strategies

3) Lack of, or incorrect, information

4) Inadequate language skill to express or record ideas


Conceptual blockbusting--chap5 Intellectual and Expressive blocks,布布扣,

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