创建数据库 - WIth DBCA

时间:2014-05-25 03:16:41   收藏:0   阅读:344

Methods to create a database



l  Table和Index所需要的空间大小

l  数据库文件的分布, 使用Oracle Managed Files and Automatic Storage Management, stripe redo log files, data files in different disk to improve IO performance

l  Global database name

l  熟悉Init Parameter file, server parameter files,

l  Database Char set(AL32UTF8)

l  Time zones

l  database block size

l  SYSTEM, SYSAUX tablespace Size

l  创建一个non-SYStem table space, 存放non-SYSTEM users的database Objects

l  undo tablespace

l  control files multiplexing,

l  backup and recovery strategy

l  熟悉startup and shutdown database,以及每种状态下能干什么事情


Creating a Database with Noninteractive/Silent DBCA

dbca -silent -createDatabase -templateName General_Purpose.dbc

-gdbname ora11g -sid ora11g -responseFile NO_VALUE -characterSet AL32UTF8

-memoryPercentage 30 -emConfiguration LOCAL

Enter SYSTEM user password:


Enter SYS user password:


Copying database files

1% complete

3% complete


到/u01/app/oracle/admin/s04pmm1/scripts下面去找生成的create database statement


创建DB完成后注意创建net listener 和Services




创建数据库 - WIth DBCA,布布扣,bubuko.com

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