时间:2014-05-23 09:04:43
1. 题目:以9行9列的形式显示九九乘法表
2. 要求:显示下三角格式如表4.1所示,也可以上三角格式显示。
1 ; Example assembly language program -- 2 ; Author: Karllen 3 ; Date: revised 05/2014 4 5 .386 6 .MODEL FLAT 7 8 ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD 9 10 INCLUDE io.h ; header file for input/output 11 12 cr EQU 0dh ; carriage return character 13 Lf EQU 0ah ; line feed 14 15 .STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack 16 17 .DATA ; reserve storage for data 18 19 flaj WORD ? 20 21 22 promot BYTE "The program is to print the 9*9 table",cr,Lf,0 23 crlf BYTE cr,Lf,0 24 char1 BYTE 1 DUP(?),0 25 char2 BYTE 1 DUP(?),0 26 me BYTE 1 DUP(?),0 27 28 mulzs BYTE 1 DUP(?),0 29 brr BYTE " ",0 30 sh BYTE 1 DUP(?),0 31 32 33 .CODE ; start of main program code 34 _start: 35 mov mulzs,2Ah 36 mov me,3Dh 37 mov bx,0 38 mov char1,30h 39 doFirstWhile: 40 inc bx 41 inc char1 42 cmp bx,9 43 jg endFirstWhile 44 mov flaj,1 45 mov char2,31h 46 doSecondWhile: 47 cmp flaj,bx 48 jg endSecondWhile 49 mov ax,bx 50 mul flaj 51 mov cx,flaj 52 53 output char1 54 output mulzs 55 output char2 56 output me 57 cmp ax,10 58 jl FindOne 59 mov dl,10 60 div dl 61 mov sh,al 62 add sh,‘0‘ 63 output sh 64 mov sh,ah 65 add sh,‘0‘ 66 output sh 67 jmp endTwo 68 69 FindOne: 70 mov sh,al 71 add sh,‘0‘ 72 output sh 73 endTwo: 74 output brr 75 inc flaj 76 inc char2 77 jmp doSecondWhile 78 endSecondWhile: 79 output crlf 80 jmp doFirstWhile 81 endFirstWhile: 82 INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 ; exit with return code 0 83 84 PUBLIC _start ; make entry point public 85 86 END ; end of source code