Python 观察者模式 (刺客护卫攻防战)
时间:2014-05-22 09:39:57
lineseq = ‘==‘ * 20 class Assassin( object ): def __init__( self, name, position ): self._name = name self._position = position[:] self._list_of_observer_guards = [] def be_locked_target( self, guard ): if guard not in self._list_of_observer_guards: self._list_of_observer_guards.append( guard ) def be_released_target( self, guard ): try: self._list_of_observer_guards.remove( guard ) except: pass def notify_observer_guards( self, info ): for guard in self._list_of_observer_guards: guard.notify( info ) def move( self, dx, dy ): self._position[0] += dx self._position[1] += dy info = self._name + str( self._position ) self.notify_observer_guards( info ) def attack( self ): pass class Swordsman( Assassin ): def __init__( self, name, position, weapon ): super( Swordsman, self ).__init__( name, position ) self._weapon = weapon def attack( self ): print lineseq print ‘Swordsman [%s]: My weapon [%s] is powerful and i prepare to attack‘ %( self._name, self._weapon ) info = self._name + ‘ is prepare to attack‘ self.notify_observer_guards( info ) print lineseq class Guard( object ): def __init__( self, name, position ): self._name = name self._position = position[:] def notify( self, info ): pass class Ninja( Guard ): def __init__( self, name, position, weapon ): super( Ninja, self ).__init__( name, position ) self._weapon = weapon def notify( self, info ): print lineseq print ‘Ninja [%s]: I have revice the information that [%s]‘ %( self._name, info ) print ‘ ‘ * 4 + ‘My weapon is [%s]‘%( self._weapon ) print lineseq class Hackbuteer( Guard ): def __init__( self, name, position, weapon ): super( Hackbuteer, self ).__init__( name, position ) self._weapon = weapon def notify( self, info ): print lineseq print ‘Hackbuteer [%s]: I have revice the information that [%s]‘ %( self._name, info ) print ‘ ‘ * 4 + ‘My weapon is [%s]‘%( self._weapon ) print lineseq if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: sword_scheme = Swordsman( ‘Scheme‘, [ 100, 100 ], ‘sword‘ ) ninja_delusion = Ninja( ‘Delusion‘, [50, 50], ‘arrow‘ ) hackbuteer_lambda = Hackbuteer( ‘Lambda‘, [11, 11], ‘firelock‘ ) sword_scheme.be_locked_target( ninja_delusion ) sword_scheme.be_locked_target( hackbuteer_lambda ) sword_scheme.move( 1, 1 ) sword_scheme.attack() print ‘After be_released_target ninja_delusion‘ sword_scheme.be_released_target( ninja_delusion ) sword_scheme.move( -5, 1 ) sword_scheme.attack()