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The purpose of dependency properties is to provide a way to compute the value of a property based on the value of other inputs. These other inputs might include system properties such as themes and user preference, just-in-time property determination mechanisms such as data binding and animations/storyboards, multiple-use templates such as resources and styles, or values known through parent-child relationships with other elements in the element tree. In addition, a dependency property can be implemented to provide self-contained validation, default values, callbacks that monitor changes to other properties, and a system that can coerce property values based on potentially runtime information. Derived classes can also change some specific characteristics of an existing property by overriding dependency property metadata, rather than overriding the actual implementation of existing properties or creating new properties.


In the SDK reference, you can identify which property is a dependency property by the presence of the Dependency Property Information section on the managed reference page for that property. The Dependency Property Information section includes a link to the DependencyProperty identifier field for that dependency property, and also includes a list of the metadata options that are set for that property, per-class override information, and other details.

在SDK手册中,你可以通过管理引用页中的Dependecy Propertly Infomation指定那个属性为依赖属性。那个Dependecy Property Information部分包含了一个指向DependencyProperty标识的连接,这个连接指向一个字段来表示那个依赖属性,也包含依赖属性的元数据列表,每个类一个。

2、Dependency properties back CLR properties依赖属性支持CLR属性

Dependency properties and the WPF property system extend property functionality by providing a type that backs a property, as an alternative implementation to the standard pattern of backing the property with a private field. The name of this type is DependencyProperty. The other important type that defines the WPF property system is DependencyObjectDependencyObject defines the base class that can register and own a dependency property.


The following lists the terminology that is used with dependency properties:


Dependency property: A property that is backed by a DependencyProperty.


Dependency property identifier: A DependencyProperty instance, which is obtained as a return value when registering a dependency property, and then stored as a static member of a class. This identifier is used as a parameter for many of the APIs that interact with the WPF property system.


CLR "wrapper": The actual get and set implementations for the property. These implementations incorporate the dependency property identifier by using it in the GetValue and SetValue calls, thus providing the backing for the property using the WPF property system.


The following example defines the IsSpinning dependency property, and shows the relationship of the DependencyProperty identifier to the property that it backs.


public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSpinningProperty =
    "IsSpinning", typeof(Boolean),
public bool IsSpinning
    get { return (bool)GetValue(IsSpinningProperty); }
    set { SetValue(IsSpinningProperty, value); }

 The naming convention of the property and its backing DependencyProperty field is important. The name of the field is always the name of the property, with the suffix Property appended. For more information about this convention and the reasons for it, see Custom Dependency Properties.



<Button Background="Red" Content="Button!"/>
<Button Content="Button!">
    <ImageBrush ImageSource="wavy.jpg"/>


Button myButton = new Button();
myButton.Width = 200.0;
double whatWidth;
whatWidth = myButton.Width;


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