时间:2014-05-17 23:34:21
数组排序 1. 题目: 将一个数组的所有元素排序后输出 2.要求:给定一个数组,数组包含10个整型元素,将其按照从小到大的顺序排列后输出,要求排序的算法用子程序来实现。
1 ; Example assembly language program -- 2 ; Author: karllen 3 ; Date: revised 05/2014 4 5 .386 6 .MODEL FLAT 7 8 ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD 9 10 INCLUDE io.h ; header file for input/output 11 12 cr EQU 0dh ; carriage return character 13 Lf EQU 0ah ; line feed 14 15 .STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack 16 17 .DATA 18 i DWORD ? 19 j DWORD ? 20 temp DWORD ? 21 promot1 BYTE "Please Enter ten numbers to sort from min to max",cr,Lf,0 22 array DWORD 10 DUP(?) 23 promot2 BYTE "The numbers that are sorted is",cr,Lf,0 24 value BYTE 11 DUP(?) 25 BYTE cr,Lf,0 26 27 .CODE 28 29 sortArray PROC NEAR32 30 push ebp ;建立堆栈 31 mov ebp,esp 32 33 mov i,0 34 mov edx,10 35 ; mov ebx,[ebp+8] ;取得数组地址 36 sortFirst: 37 mov ebx,[ebp+8] 38 inc i 39 cmp i,9 40 jg endsortFirst ;大于9则跳转, 41 42 sub edx,i ;求edx-i 43 mov j,0 44 sortSecond: 45 inc j 46 cmp j,edx 47 jg endsortSecond ;大于10-i则转移 48 mov eax,[ebx] 49 mov ecx,[ebx+4] 50 51 cmp eax,ecx ; cmp [ebx],[ebx+4] 52 jl endCMP ;[ebx]<[ebx+4]则转移 53 54 mov edx,eax 55 mov [ebx],ecx 56 mov [ebx+4],edx 57 58 59 ;swap 60 endCMP: 61 add ebx,4 62 mov edx,10 63 jmp sortSecond 64 65 endSortSecond: 66 jmp sortFirst 67 endsortFirst: 68 69 pop ebp 70 ret 71 72 sortArray ENDP 73 74 _start: 75 76 output promot1 77 mov ecx,0 78 lea ebx,array 79 80 doFirstWhile: 81 inc ecx 82 cmp ecx,10 83 jg endFirstWhile ;大于10则结束 84 85 input value,11 86 atod value 87 mov [ebx],eax 88 add ebx,4 89 jmp doFirstWhile 90 endFirstWhile: 91 92 lea eax,array 93 push eax 94 call sortArray 95 add esp,4 96 97 output promot2 98 mov ecx,0 99 lea ebx,array 100 101 doSecondWhile: 102 inc ecx 103 cmp ecx,10 104 jg endSecondWhile 105 dtoa value,[ebx] 106 output value 107 add ebx,4 108 jmp doSecondWhile 109 110 endSecondWhile: 111 112 INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 ; exit with return code 0 113 114 PUBLIC _start ; make entry point public 115 116 END ; end of source code