
时间:2020-02-25 23:21:12   收藏:0   阅读:129


Internally, the ANSI version translates the string to Unicode.

TCHAR ????????wchar_t????????char



owned Windows也可以是其控件的父窗口,Owner与Owned的控件无父子关系。


int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

The four parameters are:

The function returns an int value. The return value is not used by the operating system, but you can use the return value to convey a status code to some other program that you write.

WINAPI is the calling convention. A calling convention defines how a function receives parameters from the caller. For example, it defines the order that parameters appear on the stack. Just make sure to declare your wWinMain function as shown.

The WinMain function is identical to wWinMain, except the command-line arguments are passed as an ANSI string. The Unicode version is preferred. You can use the ANSI WinMain function even if you compile your program as Unicode. To get a Unicode copy of the command-line arguments, call the GetCommandLine function. This function returns all of the arguments in a single string. If you want the arguments as an argv-style array, pass this string to CommandLineToArgvW.

How does the compiler know to invoke wWinMain instead of the standard main function? What actually happens is that the Microsoft C runtime library (CRT) provides an implementation of main that calls either WinMain or wWinMain.


The CRT does some additional work inside main. For example, any static initializers are called before wWinMain. Although you can tell the linker to use a different entry-point function, use the default if you link to the CRT. Otherwise, the CRT initialization code will be skipped, with unpredictable results. (For example, global objects will not be initialized correctly.)





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