【微软2014实习生及秋令营技术类职位在线测试】题目3 : Reduce inversion count

时间:2014-04-27 17:48:35   收藏:0   阅读:508


Find a pair in an integer array that swapping them would maximally decrease the inversion count of the array. If such a pair exists, return the new inversion count; otherwise returns the original inversion count.

Definition of Inversion: Let (A[0], A[1] ... A[n], n <= 50) be a sequence of n numbers. If i < j and A[i] > A[j], then the pair (i, j) is called inversion of A.

Count(Inversion({3, 1, 2})) = Count({3, 1}, {3, 2}) = 2
InversionCountOfSwap({3, 1, 2})=>
 InversionCount({1, 3, 2}) = 1 <-- swapping 1 with 3, decreases inversion count by 1
 InversionCount({2, 1, 3}) = 1 <-- swapping 2 with 3, decreases inversion count by 1
 InversionCount({3, 2, 1}) = 3 <-- swapping 1 with 2 , increases inversion count by 1


Input consists of multiple cases, one case per line.Each case consists of a sequence of integers separated by comma.


For each case, print exactly one line with the new inversion count or the original inversion count if it cannot be reduced.



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

	static int InversionCount ;
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		int T,t;
		Scanner jin = new Scanner(System.in);
		while (jin.hasNext()) {
			String str = jin.next();
			String[] argstr = str.split(",");
			int[] num = new int[argstr.length];
			int[] tmp = new int[argstr.length];
			for (int i = 0; i < num.length; i++) {
				num[i] = Integer.parseInt(argstr[i]);
				tmp[i] = Integer.parseInt(argstr[i]);
			InversionCount = 0;
			MergeSort(tmp, 0, tmp.length-1);
			int ret = InversionCount;
			for (int i = 0; i < num.length; i++)
				tmp[i] = num[i];
			for (int i = 0; i < num.length-1; i++) {
				for (int j = i+1; j < num.length; j++) {
					if (num[i] > num[j]) {
						int tmpnum = num[i];
						num[i] = num[j];
						num[j] = tmpnum;
						InversionCount = 0;
						MergeSort(num, 0, num.length-1);
						ret = Math.min(ret, InversionCount);
						for (int k = 0; k < num.length; k++)
							num[k] = tmp[k];
	public static void MergeSort(int[] array, int lhs, int rhs) {
		if (lhs < rhs) {
			int mid = lhs + ((rhs - lhs)>>1);
			MergeSort(array, lhs, mid);
			MergeSort(array, mid+1, rhs);
			Merge(array, lhs, mid, rhs);
	public static void Merge(int[] array, int lhs, int mid, int rhs) {
		int[] tmp = new int[rhs-lhs+1];
		int i = lhs, j = mid+1;
		int k = 0;
		while(i <= mid && j <= rhs)
			if (array[i] > array[j]) {
				InversionCount += mid-i+1;
				tmp[k++] = array[j++];
			else {
				tmp[k++] = array[i++];
		while(i <= mid)
			tmp[k++] = array[i++];
		while(j <= rhs)
			tmp[k++] = array[j++];
		for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
			array[i+lhs] = tmp[i];
		tmp = null;

【微软2014实习生及秋令营技术类职位在线测试】题目3 : Reduce inversion count,布布扣,bubuko.com

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