[译]Angular-ui 之 Url Routing

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  在你的应用中多数的状态都是基于特定的url地址的。Url Routing机制绝不是在状态机制之上后加的东西,而是一开始就是规划在最初设计方案(译注:angular-ui的设计方案)之中的(在实现url路由的同时独立的保持状态)。下面代码展示了你如何设置一个url:  

Most states in your application will probably have a url associated with them. URL Routing was not an afterthought to the state mechanics, but was figured into the design from the beginning (all while keeping states separate from url routing)

Here‘s how you set a basic url.
    .state(‘contacts‘, {
        url: "/contacts",
        templateUrl: ‘contacts.html‘



    Now when the user accesses index.html/contacts then the ‘contacts‘ state would become active and the main ui-view will be populated with the ‘contacts.html‘ partial. Alternatively, if the user were to transition to the ‘contacts‘ state via transitionTo(‘contacts‘) then the url would be updated toindex.html/contacts

URL路由参数(URL Parameters)

基本参数(Basic Parameters)


Often, URLs have dynamic parts to them which are called parameters. There are several options for specifying parameters. A basic parameter looks like this:
    .state(‘contacts.detail‘, {
        url: "/contacts/:contactId",
        templateUrl: ‘contacts.detail.html‘,
        controller: function ($stateParams) {
            // If we got here from a url of /contacts/42
            expect($stateParams).toBe({contactId: 42});

你也可以通过花括号来指出参数:(原文:Alternatively you can also use curly brackets:)

// identical to previous example
url: "/contacts/{contactId}" 


正则表达式参数(Regex Parameters)

用花括号来指出参数的一个额外好处就是可以给参数设置正则表达式规则。(A bonus to using curly brackets is the ability to set a Regular Expression rule for the parameter:)

// 下面代码将仅仅识别1到8个数字的contactId(原文:will only match a contactId of one to eight number characters)
url: "/contacts/{contactId:[0-9]{1,8}}"



查询参数(uery Parameters)

你也可以用问号的形式指出查询参数:(You can also specify parameters as query parameters, following a ‘?‘:)

url: "/contacts?myParam"
// will match to url of "/contacts?myParam=value"

如果需要多个参数,以“&”分割就好:(If you need to have more than one, separate them with an ‘&‘:)

url: "/contacts?myParam1&myParam2"
// will match to url of "/contacts?myParam1=value1&myParam2=wowcool"

嵌套状态下的路由(URL Routing for Nested States)

追加路由(默认)(ppended Routes (default))


When using url routing together with nested states the default behavior is for child states to append their url to the urls of each of its parent states.
  .state(‘contacts‘, {
     url: ‘/contacts‘,
  .state(‘contacts.list‘, {
     url: ‘/list‘,

此时的路由状态将是:(So the routes would become:)

绝对路由(^)(Absolute Routes (^))


If you want to have absolute url matching, then you need to prefix your url string with a special symbol ‘^‘.
  .state(‘contacts‘, {
     url: ‘/contacts‘,
  .state(‘contacts.list‘, {
     url: ‘^/list‘,

此时的路由匹配将是:(So the routes would become:)

$stateParams Service



As you saw previously the $stateParams service is an object that will have one key per url parameter. The $stateParams is a perfect way to provide your controllers or other services with the individual parts of the navigated url.
Note: $stateParams service must be specified as a state controller, and it will be scoped so only the relevant parameters defined in that state are available on the service object.
// If you had a url on your state of:
url: ‘/users/:id/details/{type}/{repeat:[0-9]+}?from&to‘

// Then you navigated your browser to:

// Your $stateParams object would be
{ id:‘123‘, type:‘‘, repeat:‘0‘ }

// Then you navigated your browser to:

// Your $stateParams object would be
{ id:‘123‘, type:‘default‘, repeat:‘0‘, from:‘there‘, to:‘here‘ }

关于$stateParams的重点内容(Important $stateParams Gotcha)


In state controllers, the $stateParams object will only contain the params that were registered with that state. So you will not see params registered on other states, including ancestors.
$stateProvider.state(‘contacts.detail‘, {
   url: ‘/contacts/:contactId‘,   
   controller: function($stateParams){
      $stateParams.contactId  //*** Exists! ***//
}).state(‘contacts.detail.subitem‘, {
   url: ‘/item/:itemId‘, 
   controller: function($stateParams){
      $stateParams.contactId //*** Watch Out! DOESN‘T EXIST!! ***//
      $stateParams.itemId //*** Exists! ***//  

如果想访问父路由中的参数怎么办?只要在父路由中设置‘resolve‘对象即可。(Instead, use a resolve statement in the parent route.)

$stateProvider.state(‘contacts.detail‘, {
   url: ‘/contacts/:contactId‘,   
   controller: function($stateParams){
      $stateParams.contactId  //*** Exists! ***//
      contactId: [‘$stateParams‘, function($stateParams){
          return $stateParams.contactId;
}).state(‘contacts.detail.subitem‘, {
   url: ‘/item/:itemId‘, 
   controller: function($stateParams, contactId){
      contactId //*** Exists! ***//
      $stateParams.itemId //*** Exists! ***//  


$urlRouterProvider 服务负责监视$location的变化。当 $location发生改变,它将遍历路由列表直到发现符合规则的路由。任何时候,只要你在状态配置中指定了url,$urlRouterProvider就会在后台起作用。所有的url都将被编译为UrlMatcher对象(参见后面的$urlMatcherFactory部分)。


$urlRouterProvider has the responsibility of watching $location. When $location changes it runs through a list of rules one by one until a match is found. $urlRouterProvider is used behind the scenes anytime you specify a url in a state configuration. All urls are compiled into a UrlMatcher object (see $urlMatcherFactory below).

There are several methods on $urlRouterProvider that make it useful to use directly in your module config.


when() for redirection


handler as String

当handler参数是一个字符串时,它会作为重定向路径对待,url替换时使用类似正则表达式match方法If handler is a string, it is treated as a redirect, and is interpolated according to the syntax of match (i.e. like String.replace() for RegExp, or like a UrlMatcher pattern otherwise).

If handler is a string, it is treated as a redirect, and is interpolated according to the syntax of match (i.e. like String.replace() for RegExp, or like a UrlMatcher pattern otherwise).


    // when there is an empty route, redirect to /index   
    $urlRouterProvider.when(‘‘, ‘/index‘);

    // You can also use regex for the match parameter
    $urlRouterProvider.when(/aspx/i, ‘/index‘);

handler as Function

如果给出的handler是一个函数,它将是可注入的。如果 $location符合此路由,函数将被调用。你可以注入match对象作为参数$match。



If the handler is a function, it is injectable. It gets invoked if $location matches. You have the option of inject the match object as $match

The handler can return:

    falsy to indicate that the rule didn‘t match after all, then $urlRouter will continue trying to find another one that matches.
    a String, which is treated as a redirect and passed to $location.url()
    nothing or any truthy value tells $urlRouter that the url was handled

Here‘s the actual code that we use to register state‘s that have urls behind the scenes.


$urlRouterProvider.when(state.url, [‘$match‘, ‘$stateParams‘, function ($match, $stateParams) {
    if ($state.$current.navigable != state || !equalForKeys($match, $stateParams)) {
        $state.transitionTo(state, $match, false);

otherwise() 处理非法的路由(for invalid routes)


    // if the path doesn‘t match any of the urls you configured
    // otherwise will take care of routing the user to the specified url

    // Example of using function rule as param
    $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function($injector, $location){
        ... some advanced code...

rule() for custom url handling


app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
   // Here‘s an example of how you might allow case insensitive urls
   $urlRouterProvider.rule(function ($injector, $location) {
       //what this function returns will be set as the $location.url
        var path = $location.path(), normalized = path.toLowerCase();
        if (path != normalized) {
            //instead of returning a new url string, I‘ll just change the $location.path directly so I don‘t have to worry about constructing a new url string and so a new state change is not triggered
        // because we‘ve returned nothing, no state change occurs

$urlMatcherFactory 和 UrlMatchers

定义了url模式和参数的占位符的语法。$urlRouterProvider作为背后的工厂服务缓存了编译后的UrlMatcher对象,因此不用再location变化时重新分析编译路由的url。 大多数用户不需要直接使用$urlMatcherFactory对象, 然而,在需要将UrlMatcher对象替代url字符串传递给状态配置时,工厂对象是很有用的。

请参考文档中 $urlMatcherFactory file 部分的注释内容以获得更多知识。

Defines the syntax for url patterns and parameter placeholders. This factory service is used behind the scenes by $urlRouterProvider to cache compiled UrlMatcher objects, instead of having to re-parse url patterns on every location change. Most users will not need to use $urlMatcherFactory directly, however it could be useful to craft a UrlMatcher object and pass it as the url to the state config.

Please refer to the comment documentation within the $urlMatcherFactory file to learn more.


var urlMatcher = $urlMatcherFactory.compile("/home/:id?param1");
$stateProvider.state(‘myState‘, {
    url: urlMatcher 

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