AWS s3 python sdk code examples
时间:2014-05-09 20:51:39
Yet another easy-to-understand, easy-to-use aws s3 python sdk code examples.
""" Yet another s3 python sdk example. based on boto 2.27.0 """ import time import os import urllib import boto.s3.connection import boto.s3.key def test(): print ‘--- running AWS s3 examples ---‘ c = boto.s3.connection.S3Connection(‘<YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY>‘, ‘<YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY>‘) print ‘original bucket number:‘, len(c.get_all_buckets()) bucket_name = ‘yet.another.s3.example.code‘ print ‘creating a bucket:‘, bucket_name try: bucket = c.create_bucket(bucket_name) except boto.exception.S3CreateError as e: print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘error occured:‘ print ‘ ‘ * 8, ‘http status code:‘, e.status print ‘ ‘ * 8, ‘reason:‘, e.reason print ‘ ‘ * 8, ‘body:‘, e.body return test_bucket_name = ‘no.existence.yet.another.s3.example.code‘ print ‘if you just want to know whether the bucket(\‘%s\‘) exists or not‘ % (test_bucket_name,), ‘and don\‘t want to get this bucket‘ try: test_bucket = c.head_bucket(test_bucket_name) except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as e: if e.status == 403 and e.reason == ‘Forbidden‘: print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘the bucket(\‘%s\‘) exists but you don\‘t have the permission.‘ % (test_bucket_name,) elif e.status == 404 and e.reason == ‘Not Found‘: print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘the bucket(\‘%s\‘) doesn\‘t exist.‘ % (test_bucket_name,) print ‘or use lookup() instead of head_bucket() to do the same thing.‘, ‘it will return None if the bucket does not exist instead of throwing an exception.‘ test_bucket = c.lookup(test_bucket_name) if test_bucket is None: print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘the bucket(\‘%s\‘) doesn\‘t exist.‘ % (test_bucket_name,) print ‘now you can get the bucket(\‘%s\‘)‘ % (bucket_name,) bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name) print ‘add some objects to bucket ‘, bucket_name keys = [‘sample.txt‘, ‘notes/2006/January/sample.txt‘, ‘notes/2006/February/sample2.txt‘, ‘notes/2006/February/sample3.txt‘, ‘notes/2006/February/sample4.txt‘, ‘notes/2006/sample5.txt‘] print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘these key names are:‘ for name in keys: print ‘ ‘ * 8, name filename = ‘./_test_dir/sample.txt‘ print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘you can contents of object(\‘%s\‘) from filename(\‘%s\‘)‘ % (keys[0], filename,) key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, keys[0]) bytes_written = key.set_contents_from_filename(filename) assert bytes_written == os.path.getsize(filename), ‘ error occured:broken file‘ print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘or set contents of object(\‘%s\‘) by opened file object‘ % (keys[1],) fp = open(filename, ‘r‘) key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, keys[1]) bytes_written = key.set_contents_from_file(fp) assert bytes_written == os.path.getsize(filename), ‘ error occured:broken file‘ print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘you can also set contents the remaining key objects from string‘ for name in keys[2:]: print ‘ ‘ * 8, ‘key:‘, name key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, name) s = ‘This is the content of %s ‘ % (name,) key.set_contents_from_string(s) print ‘ ‘ * 8, ‘..contents:‘, key.get_contents_as_string() # use get_contents_to_filename() to save contents to a specific file in the filesystem. #print ‘You have %d objects in bucket %s‘ % () print ‘list all objects added into \‘%s\‘ bucket‘ % (bucket_name,) objs = bucket.list() for key in objs: print ‘ ‘ * 4, p = ‘notes/2006/‘ print ‘list objects start with \‘%s\‘‘ % (p,) objs = bucket.list(prefix = p) for key in objs: print ‘ ‘ * 4, print ‘list objects or key prefixs like \‘%s/*\‘, something like what\‘s in the top of \‘%s\‘ folder ?‘ % (p, p,) objs = bucket.list(prefix = p, delimiter = ‘/‘) for key in objs: print ‘ ‘ * 4, keys_per_page = 4 print ‘manually handle the results paging from s3,‘, ‘ number of keys per page:‘, keys_per_page print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘get page 1‘ objs = bucket.get_all_keys(max_keys = keys_per_page) for key in objs: print ‘ ‘ * 8, print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘get page 2‘ last_key_name = objs[-1].name #last key of last page is the marker to retrive next page. objs = bucket.get_all_keys(max_keys = keys_per_page, marker = last_key_name) for key in objs: print ‘ ‘ * 8, """ get_all_keys() a lower-level method for listing contents of a bucket. This closely models the actual S3 API and requires you to manually handle the paging of results. For a higher-level method that handles the details of paging for you, you can use the list() method. """ print ‘you must delete all objects in the bucket \‘%s\‘ before delete this bucket‘ % (bucket_name, ) print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘you can delete objects one by one‘ bucket.delete_key(keys[0]) print ‘ ‘ * 4, ‘or you can delete multiple objects using a single HTTP request with delete_keys().‘ bucket.delete_keys(keys[1:]) print ‘now you can delete the bucket \‘%s\‘‘ % (bucket_name,) c.delete_bucket(bucket) #references: # [1] # [2] amazon s3 api references if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: test()
Author: Gary Gao( garygaowork[at] 关注互联网、分布式、高性能、NoSQL、自动化、软件团队