时间:2014-05-09 22:29:48
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef VIRTUAL #define VIRTUAL #endif #ifndef DELETE #define DELETE(X) do { free(X);X = NULL; } while(0) #endif #define NEW(TYPE,pInstance,SUBTYPE) struct TYPE* pInstance = NULL; struct SUBTYPE* SUBTYPE##instance = (struct SUBTYPE*)malloc(sizeof(struct SUBTYPE)); SUBTYPE##instance->SUBTYPE##_constructor = SUBTYPE##_constructor; SUBTYPE##instance->SUBTYPE##_constructor(SUBTYPE##instance);pInstance = (struct TYPE*)(SUBTYPE##instance); struct State* getProphaseState(void); struct State* getMetaphaseState(void); struct State* getAnaphaseState(void); struct State* getEndState(void); struct War { struct State* m_pState; int m_nDays; void (*War_constructor)(struct War* /* pThis */); void (*War_destructor)(struct War* /* pThis */); int (*War_getDays)(struct War* /* pThis */); void (*War_setDays)(struct War* /* pThis */,int /* nDays */); void (*War_setState)(struct War* /* pThis */,struct State* /* pState */); void (*War_exeState)(struct War* /* pThis */); }; struct State /* base class */ { VIRTUAL void (*Action)(struct State* /* pThis */,struct War* /* pWar */); }; struct EndState /* sub class */ { struct State m_nParent; void (*EndState_constructor)(struct EndState* /* pThis */); }; struct AnaphaseState /* sub class */ { struct State m_nParent; void (*AnaphaseState_constructor)(struct AnaphaseState* /* pThis */); }; struct MetaphaseState /* sub class */ { struct State m_nParent; void (*MetaphaseState_constructor)(struct MetaphaseState* /* pThis */); }; struct ProphaseState { struct State m_nParent; void (*ProphaseState_constructor)(struct ProphaseState* /* pThis */); }; void EndState_Action(struct State* pThis,struct War* pWar) { printf("444\n"); } void AnaphaseState_Action(struct State* pThis,struct War* pWar) { if(pWar->War_getDays(pWar) < 30) { printf("333 : %u\n",pWar->War_getDays(pWar)); } else { pWar->War_setState(pWar,getEndState()); pWar->War_exeState(pWar); } } void MetaphaseState_Action(struct State* pThis,struct War* pWar) { if(pWar->War_getDays(pWar) < 20) { printf("222 : %u\n",pWar->War_getDays(pWar)); } else { pWar->War_setState(pWar,getAnaphaseState()); pWar->War_exeState(pWar); } } void ProphaseState_Action(struct State* pThis,struct War* pWar) { if(pWar->War_getDays(pWar) < 10) { printf("111 : %u\n",pWar->War_getDays(pWar)); } else { pWar->War_setState(pWar,getMetaphaseState()); pWar->War_exeState(pWar); } } void EndState_constructor(struct EndState* pThis) { pThis->m_nParent.Action = EndState_Action; } void AnaphaseState_constructor(struct AnaphaseState* pThis) { pThis->m_nParent.Action = AnaphaseState_Action; } void MetaphaseState_constructor(struct MetaphaseState* pThis) { pThis->m_nParent.Action = MetaphaseState_Action; } void ProphaseState_constructor(struct ProphaseState* pThis) { pThis->m_nParent.Action = ProphaseState_Action; } /* functions releated with the class War */ void War_destructor(struct War* pThis) { if(pThis->m_pState) { DELETE(pThis->m_pState); } } int War_getDays(struct War* pThis) { return pThis->m_nDays; } void War_setDays(struct War* pThis,int nDays) { pThis->m_nDays = nDays; } void War_setState(struct War* pThis,struct State* pState) { if(pThis->m_pState) { printf("delete %p\n",pThis->m_pState); DELETE(pThis->m_pState); } pThis->m_pState = pState; } void War_exeState(struct War* pThis) { pThis->m_pState->Action(pThis->m_pState,pThis); } void War_constructor(struct War* pThis) { pThis->m_pState = NULL; pThis->m_nDays = 0; pThis->War_destructor = War_destructor; pThis->War_getDays = War_getDays; pThis->War_setDays = War_setDays; pThis->War_setState = War_setState; pThis->War_exeState = War_exeState; } /* get instance */ struct State* getProphaseState(void) { NEW(State,pState,ProphaseState); printf("new %p\n",pState); return pState; } struct State* getMetaphaseState(void) { NEW(State,pState,MetaphaseState); printf("new %p\n",pState); return pState; } struct State* getAnaphaseState(void) { NEW(State,pState,AnaphaseState); printf("new %p\n",pState); return pState; } struct State* getEndState(void) { NEW(State,pState,EndState); printf("new %p\n",pState); return pState; } /* test */ int main(void) { NEW(War,pWar,War); printf("init\n"); pWar->War_setDays(pWar,0); pWar->War_setState(pWar,getProphaseState()); for(int i = 1 ; i < 40 ; i += 1) { pWar->War_setDays(pWar,i); pWar->War_exeState(pWar); } pWar->War_destructor(pWar); DELETE(pWar); system("pause"); return 0; }