Mac OSX中的@executable_path, @load_path和@rpath的理解

时间:2016-08-11 17:36:43   收藏:0   阅读:1487


Absolute paths

Useful for frameworks installed in shared locations. Example:


Useful for frameworks embedded inside applications, because it allows you to specify the location of the framework relative to the application‘s executable:


Available from Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger onwards; useful for frameworks embedded inside plug-ins, because it allows you to specify the location of the framework relative to the plug-in‘s code (remember, plug-ins may not actually know where they are going to be installed, relative to the application, so knowing @executable_path doesn‘t help us in this case):

Note that if the "loader" is an application rather than a plug-in, the @loader_path ends up being equivalent to @executable_path.


New in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is @rpath. Key points:


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