解决Linuxmint下每次打开Chrome弹出Unlock Login Keyring对话框

时间:2015-12-12 20:12:20   收藏:0   阅读:1588

I think the simplest way is to set the password for the keyring to an empty password -- you will not be prompted for a password then:

  1. Open Applications -> Accessories -> Password and Encryption Keys
  2. Right-click on the "login" keyring
  3. Select "Change password"
  4. Enter your old password and leave the new password blank
  5. Press ok, read the security warning, think about it and if you still want to get rid of this dialog, choose "use unsafe storage".

Again, as the message says: This will expose all your passwords (e.g. email passwords) that you chose to save in the default keyring to anyone using your computer or having access to your files and is therefore not recommended.

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