Hibernate 加载数据 有get,跟Load 1、懒加载:
使用session.load(type,id)获取对象,并不读取数据库,只有在使用返回对象值才正真去查询数据库。@Test public void
test1() { Session session = null;...
*************************** list.txt : 目录
********************************1. variable.sh2. condition.sh3. control.sh4.
AndOr.sh5. statementBlock.sh6. ...
~/.conkyrc# Conky, a system monitor, based on
torsmo## Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license## All code
written since the fork of...
by:rhythmk.cnblogs.com1、Hibernate 三种状态:
1.1、三种定义(个人理解,不一定准确): 瞬时状态(transient): 被session接管但不存在数据库中的对象状态 离线状态 (detached):
数据库中存在而不被session接管 ...
#include #include #include #include
"qtquick2applicationviewer.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ QGuiApplication
app(argc, argv); QScreen *scr...
[ KILL ]功能描述:用于向任何进程组或进程发送信号。1 #include 2 3 #include 4 5 int kill(pid_t pid, int
sig);6 ...
妈咪,我找到了! -- 15个实用的Linux
-- 15个极好的Linux find命令示例...
1、环境: Maven :3.1.1 开发工具:Spring Tool Suite 数据库 :
Mysql 5.62、项目文件结构文件代码:2.1 、pom.xml 4.0.0 hibernate hibernate 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT jar
has an ACritical parameter. It is set to True by default, but can be set to
False for individual function...